On choice and your values
Everything you do is based on choice, and every choice you make is based on your core values. Knowing your core values is a key for better choices!
read moreThoughts on being successful
What does “being successful” means to you? How do you deal with this idea? How do you work your way up to being successful?
read moreLifestyle inflation is a bitch
Lifestyle inflation is how we call when we start to spend more in a regular basis after (or even before) we have more money available. Nobody is safe from lifestyle inflation, and I show you how I tricked myself into it.
read moreWhy we buy concert tickets – instead of cars
People say I’m rich because I attend to a lot of concerts. It’s a point of view. I’d rather say I make the right choices (for me) regarding my money.
read moreRobo-advisors: some words
What are robo-advisors and what kind of services they can provide? Why choose a robo-advisor over a human financial advisor? Let’s talk about WealthBar!
read moreSo you saved money. Now what?
You finally managed to save some money. Here is what you must absolutely do next (spoiler alert: it’s not eating out to celebrate).
read moreI screwed up this month
It’s been a looong october, and the month is not over yet. But I am ok because I have a plan in place…
read moreDo you upgrade at the supermarket?
What do you do when you cannot find the brand you are used to buy at the supermarket? You should consider a downgrade…
read moreBuy online paying less
Buy online paying always less with some tips and tricks.
read moreMonthly Savings Recap – May & June
See how I saved some money in May and June, with some tips and all. It includes sexy lingerie, books, and a Roomba battery. Good times :)
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